4 Steps to Naturally Heal Fibroids

I remember back in my late 20s I went to the gyno, and they discovered that I had fibroids, but they were so small, and I didn’t worry much about them.  Several months later those fibroids disappeared on their own.

Now fast forward to my late 30’s my doctor discovered I had fibroids again, but they were much bigger, as big as a lemon.

The doctors at the time recommended that I go on birth control to keep the fibroids from growing.

Boy were they wrong, it grew bigger and faster, it started to impact my bladder, and I had to pee much more frequently. This fibroid was located on top of my cervix, so it didn’t impact my period. I know many women who have fibroids in the wall of the vagina and have very heavy bleeding.  

The next option was for me to have surgery and I was not interested in that at all.

I then decided to take my healing journey into my own hands. I did a lot of research on fibroids, the root cause, and how to heal from fibroids.

I am a big believer in self-healing and naturopathic medicine to heal tumors.

Here are the steps that I took to start working on healing my fibroids.

Diet and Exercise

Fibroids develop when there’s a high amount of estrogen and toxins in the body.

Removing or limiting meat in your diet is essential, red meat and processed meat increase the estrogen in your body.  

Any food that has been manufactured and altered can cause the growth of fibroids.

Fibroids also feed off bad carbohydrates, that’s because these rank high on the glycemic index, which affects your blood sugar and can stimulate fibroid growth.

Moving away from plastic bottles, BPA is a weak synthetic estrogen found in many rigid plastic products, food and formula can linings. Its estrogen-like activity makes it a hormone disruptor, like many other chemicals in plastics.

When it comes to exercising cardio helps with removing toxins from the system. Also, losing weight can help with shrinking fibroids or at least keep them from growing further.

Sacral Chakra Guided Meditation

Sacral Chakra Healing

When looking at fibroids from a spiritual lens there is a message that comes with having fibroids.

The area where the fibroids are located is in our wombs, this area is the source of our creativity, not physical like giving birth but our energetic creativity.

The sacral chakra is responsible for our passion, sexuality, intimacy, money creativity, and joy. This chakra allows us to improve our relationships with ourselves and with others.

Fibroids create blocked energy flow in the womb area. You can listen to the above guided sacral chakra meditations to open that pathway of energy.

Stress and Anxiety

Remember to keep your stress levels down, when stressed your body releases the hormone cortisol. Cortisol increases the production of estrogen which then stimulates the growth of fibroids.

It’s important that if you have fibroids, you create a meditation practice, or a mindfulness practice to help you control your emotions.

Of course, you might not be able to control your emotional reaction at certain moments, but if you are mindful of when you are having an emotional reaction and gain control this can control the amount of cortisol production.

When we are stressed and anxious for long periods of time it can be detrimental to our bodies, so gaining control over the situation after it happens is very important.

Herbal Healing

Another form of healing is through plant medicine; Mother Nature can heal all wounds, hearts, and pains.

There are so many herbal medicinal herbs that can heal all parts of your body. Herbs can be much more potent and beneficial than what is provided by pharmaceuticals.

I created a tincture for women’s wellness that lowers estrogen levels, reduces stress and anxiety, and balances hormones.

Traditionally, herbal medicine works to aid, restore + harmonize opposing forces of energy known as yin + yang.

These are therapeutic parts of plants that have natural healing properties that promote well-being in the body + mind in their own ways.

You can purchase a tincture here: Click Here


In conclusion, while dealing with fibroids can be challenging, it’s important to remember that natural healing methods are not only possible but also highly effective.

 By incorporating dietary changes, holistic therapies, and a positive mindset, you can take control of your health and work towards a life free from the discomfort and complications of fibroids.

Remember, healing is a journey, and it may take time to see significant results. Stay committed to your well-being, and never underestimate the power of your body’s innate healing capabilities.

With dedication and the right strategies, you can embrace a future where fibroids are no longer a hindrance to your health and happiness.

Written By:Vanessa Guevara

I am a transformational coach, astrologer, and hypnotherapist. I enjoy nature, health & wellness and practicing spirituality. I help women find meaning and purpose in their lives through intentional living.

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