The Mindful Approach for Manifestations

Being mindful throughout your day can help bring your manifestation faster. When we are constantly in our heads and overthinking, we are not being present at the moment. This blocks us from seeing what is being presented in front of us.

The less we are in our heads and more in the present moment, we can see the opportunities that become available through our manifestation.

Let’s say you were interested in purchasing a red car, if you are present, you will notice that the universe will start sending images of what you desire. You will notice a red car in the street or a billboard ad for red cars. You might even meet a new person who is selling a red car.

To see the signs of what you desire you must be open perceptively, meaning keep your mind open to possibilities.

Through daily mindfulness practice, you can strengthen your conscious awareness and align with your desires.

What is mindfulness and its benefits?

Being mindful is the art of paying attention with non-judgmental, open, and compassionate awareness. It’s about being aware of your thoughts, feelings, emotions, bodily sensations, and the world around you.

When you’re in the present you are much more aware of the chatter in your mind, you can notice if the thoughts are positive or negative thoughts. Most of the time we are in our conscious mind, and we are not aware of how damaging the thoughts that we are having are making an impact on us.

But when mindful you can observe the thoughts without being in your thoughts.

A great benefit of mindfulness is redirecting your thoughts from negative to positive.

A great effect of mindfulness is mental clarity, with mental clarity, you can recognize, understand, and organize your thoughts. This is important for your health and mental well-being.

Mindfulness vs. Meditation

Mindfulness is becoming aware of what it is, whereas meditation is when you choose to direct your attention to a specific focus.

Through meditation, you can become better at mindfulness in your awakened state. While meditating you are usually still and in one spot, whereas mindfulness is incorporated into your everyday life.

You can be mindful while eating, taking a walk in nature, mindfulness yoga, and mindfulness journaling.

Mindfulness is a way of being, and when you incorporate mindfulness into your daily routine, you open yourself up to abundance. You open yourself up to manifesting your desires, because there is no resistance, you are an open vessel for whatever you want to come to you.

Mindfulness and manifestation

When you are mindful you are being a clear channel to your manifestation, you don’t have resistance from your conscious mind constantly chattering negative thoughts, thoughts about the future, or the things you need to do next.

When we combine the power of manifestation with the practice of mindfulness, we become more aware of our creative potential and the infinite possibilities that exist.

It’s important to remember that mindful manifestation doesn’t mean expecting immediate results. It’s about trusting the process and believing that what we want is already on its way to us. We can’t control the timing or the outcome, but we can choose to approach our manifestations with an open heart and clear intentions.

Remember we are always manifesting all day, whether we are manifesting things that we desire or the things we don’t desire, we are always creating. So invoking mindfulness in our daily routine is essential for our manifestations.


Incorporating mindfulness into your daily life is more than just a practice; it’s a powerful tool for manifestation. By staying present, cultivating gratitude, and aligning your thoughts with your desires, you can manifest your dreams and create the life you’ve always envisioned.

Remember, manifestation is not a one-time event, but a journey. As you continue to embrace mindfulness, you’ll find that your intentions become reality more often than not.

So, take a moment right now to appreciate the present, be grateful for your journey so far, and set your intentions for the future.

Written By:Vanessa Guevara

I am a transformational coach, astrologer, and hypnotherapist. I enjoy nature, health & wellness and practicing spirituality. I help women find meaning and purpose in their lives through intentional living.

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