Guide to 2024 Mercury Retrograde in Aries

Buckle up for a potential rollercoaster ride of impulsive decisions, technical glitches, and maybe a few misunderstandings sprinkled in for good measure for this mercury retrograde.

But fear not! By understanding the challenges and implementing some clever navigational strategies, you can transform this retrograde from a frustrating roadblock into an opportunity for growth.

This mercury retrograde will be from April 1st to April 24th in Aries then transitioning into Pisces.

Mercury Retrograde in Aries:

Mercury Retrograde in Aries can be an intense period characterized by impulsivity, misunderstandings, and challenges in communication.

Aries, known for its assertive and fiery nature, may exacerbate these tendencies, leading to conflicts and impulsive decisions.


  1. Impulsive Communication: Aries’ impulsive energy may lead to spontaneous or heated communication, resulting in misunderstandings or conflicts.
  2. Technological Issues: Cell phones, electronics, and transportation may experience disruptions or malfunctions during this time.
  3. Patience and Frustration: Aries’ impatience combined with Mercury’s retrograde motion can test our patience and lead to frustration.


  1. Practice Patience: Cultivate patience and mindfulness in communication. Think before speaking or sending messages, and avoid impulsive reactions.
  2. Double-Check Details: Review plans, contracts, and important documents carefully to avoid misunderstandings or errors.
  3. Backup Plans: Have plans in place for travel, appointments, and important meetings to stop potential disruptions.
  4. Mindfulness Practices: Engage in meditation, yoga, or other mindfulness practices to stay grounded and centered amidst the chaos.

Mercury moving from Aries into Pisces

As Mercury Retrograde transitions from Aries to Pisces, we may experience a shift in energies and themes.

Pisces, a water sign ruled by Neptune, brings a more introspective and intuitive energy to Mercury Retrograde.

Shift in Energies:

  1. Intuition and Creativity: Pisces encourages us to tap into our intuition and creativity, making it an ideal time for introspection, spiritual practices, and creative endeavors.
  2. Surrender and Release: Pisces invites us to let go of control and surrender to the flow of life, allowing old wounds and patterns to dissolve and making space for healing and renewal.
  3. Compassion and Empathy: Pisces fosters compassion and empathy towards ourselves and others, encouraging forgiveness, understanding, and unconditional love.

Here’s how it may affect the rising signs:

Fire Rising Signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius):

  • Mercury Retrograde in Aries (Current): This period can be particularly frustrating for fire signs. Watch out for impulsive decisions, arguments with loved ones, and impatience with delays.
  • Shift to Mercury Retrograde in Pisces (After April 10th): The Piscean energy might bring some relief. Channel your fire into creative pursuits, but be mindful of getting lost in unrealistic fantasies.
  • Overall: Fire signs might experience a rollercoaster of emotions during this retrograde. Focus on clear communication, self-expression through creative outlets, and patience.

Earth Rising Signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn):

  • Mercury Retrograde in Aries (Current): Double-check communication related to finances or work projects. Revise and refine existing plans. Delays are possible, so be patient.
  • Shift to Mercury Retrograde in Pisces (After April 10th): The dreamy Piscean energy might lead to confusion or unrealistic expectations. Ground yourself and communicate clearly, especially regarding finances.
  • Overall: Earth signs might need to be extra organized and detail-oriented during this retrograde. Prioritize clear communication and avoid impulsive decisions, especially financial ones.

Air Rising Signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius):

  • Mercury Retrograde in Aries (Current): Misunderstandings with friends or colleagues are possible. This might also be a frustrating time for new learning endeavors. Focus on active listening and clarity.
  • Shift to Mercury Retrograde in Pisces (After April 10th): The Piscean energy can be inspiring for brainstorming and creative projects. However, be mindful of overpromising or getting lost in daydreams.
  • Overall: Air signs might need to put extra effort into clear communication during this retrograde. Focus on active listening, express yourself clearly, and don’t be afraid to revisit past ideas for creative inspiration.

Water Rising Signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces):

  • Mercury Retrograde in Aries (Current): Emotional intensity might be high. Practice self-care and express yourself creatively. Be mindful of impulsive decisions based on heightened emotions.
  • Shift to Mercury Retrograde in Pisces (After April 10th): This shift might feel more comfortable for Water signs. Embrace your intuition and explore artistic endeavors. However, be cautious of escapism or getting lost in unrealistic fantasies.
  • Overall: Water signs are likely to feel the emotional fluctuations of the retrograde much more. Practice self-care, express yourself creatively, and strive for clear communication, especially during the Aries phase.


As Mercury Retrograde transitions from Aries to Pisces, we’re invited to navigate the shifting energies with mindfulness, patience, and compassion.

By embracing the lessons and opportunities for growth presented during this astrological period, we can emerge stronger, wiser, and more aligned with our true selves.

Written By:Vanessa Guevara

I am a transformational coach, astrologer, and hypnotherapist. I enjoy nature, health & wellness and practicing spirituality. I help women find meaning and purpose in their lives through intentional living.

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