How a Clean Home Can Boost Your Mental Health and Creativity

Coming home to a clean home will have positive effects on your moodA study done by the University of Connecticut found that by removing or controlling clutter, we can directly reduce the stress that stems from the mess which can help us to feel happier, less anxious, and more confident in ourselves. When we declutter and put items away it gives our mind a chance to focus, we are not distracted by a messy area so we can divide our attention on working on something productive. Now I want to make it clear I’m not saying everything needs to be perfect, we are humans and things can get a bit messy, I am speaking about a totally disordered home, like a hurricane hit your home. I grew up in a really messy home, I was not taught how to keep my things in order or put things back in their original place. At the time I had no clue how much the clutter was negatively affecting my mental well-being, I hated coming home. Even though I was not raised in an organized home, through my own personal growth I learned the power and benefits of keeping a clean home, since then I have maintained a well-organized home. In this blog, we explore the reasons why people tend to let their homes get disorganized, the benefits of cleaning for our creativity and mental well-being, and some fun tips to keep organized. 

Why people tend to let their homes get disorganized


There are multiple reasons why. Some people weren’t taught how to have an organized home, like how I was raised. Also, raising a family can prove a challenge, especially with younger children in the home, it can be challenging to keep up. Most people just don’t have the time, energy, or motivation to clean. The thing is the longer a person avoids handling the clutter the more anxious and stressed they become, which affects their decision-making. It’s important to develop a habit to keep the home clean. It does not have to be spic and span clean I am not saying to become OCD when it comes to cleaning but to keep it as tidy as possible.

A clean home boosts your mental health and creativity


When living in a clean and organized home you feel a sense of safety and security, because home is where the heart is. When coming home to everything being in its place it gives off restful and relaxing vibes. The mind feels more at ease which enhances those happy endorphines. There is a sense of pride and accomplishment that you can come to a beautiful and clean home and you know where everything is located. There is nothing worse than losing an item in a messy home. When I lived in a messy home and I would put my keys down, I would forget where I initially put my keys down. Wherever I rested my keys there would be a mess surrounding that area which would make me more stressed and anxious. I wouldn’t know how long it would take for me to find my keys.

When your home is cleaned it enhances your creativity. Currently whenever I feel any type of mental block when it comes to my creativity the first thing I start to do is clean up my area, once I clean up the area I feel like my mental blocks will leave. Your mind and your surroundings go hand in hand. If your external space is cluttered so would your mental space. Cleaning up also frees up your mental energy
so that you can work on your creative work, creating a focused distraction-free environment.

Tips on keeping a clean home

    1. Make a game out of it, cleaning does not have to be boring. I like to play the “Where does this belong” game. Every item in your home should have a place where it belongs. So randomly throughout the day if you find an item not in its original place, say out loud or to yourself “Where is this item home”. Then you put it where it belongs. Imagine that you have made the item happy because you put it back in its place. If you do this frequently you will notice you slowly start to declutter.

    2. If you are working on something at home, clean up around the area you will be working in before you start working on the project. This will help the mental juices flow and you can think clearer with a clearer space. 

    3. Clean up one small area at a time. You don’t have to clean the entire house, but you can just do the living room one day and, the bathroom another. Listen to some lo-fi music or a podcast and get to work. 

    4. THROW IT AWAY!!!!!! There times were we can accumulate clutter because we keep things for years and years or keep things we no longer use. Don’t be afraid to give it away, sell it, or throw it away. If it’s an item you use frequently within a month keep it, but if it’s an item you hardly use, then leave it behind. Send it away with love and be open to receiving something better or worthwhile later on in the future. 

     Here are some additional tips:

    • Make cleaning a part of your daily routine. Even if you can only spare a few minutes each day, it will make a big difference in the long run.
    • Find a cleaning method that works for you. Experiment until you find a system that you can stick to.
    • Don’t be afraid to ask for help. If you’re struggling to keep your home clean, don’t be afraid to ask a friend, family member, or professional organizer for help.


    Remember keeping a clean home is a form of self-care. A clean home should not be something to dread or see as a nuisance, but an opportunity to make space in your home and in your mind. Relieving you from being overwhelmed and anxious. Even though I was not raised on how to properly declutter and organize when I moved into my own home I made this a priority to learn how to effectively keep my home clean and tidy and it has made such an improvement in my well-being, I am actually very proud of the upkeep of my home, and you will be to. 


    So take action today. 

    Written By:Vanessa Guevara

    I am a transformational coach, astrologer, and hypnotherapist. I enjoy nature, health & wellness and practicing spirituality. I help women find meaning and purpose in their lives through intentional living.

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