Let Go of Control and Embrace Faith

Let Go of Control and Embrace Faith

Growing up I was taught that I had to be a go-getter, I had to go after the things that I wanted. Things don’t come easy; you must work very hard for everything you want in your life. I was raised by immigrant parents who were also very hard-working, and they...
4 Steps to Naturally Heal Fibroids

4 Steps to Naturally Heal Fibroids

I remember back in my late 20s I went to the gyno, and they discovered that I had fibroids, but they were so small, and I didn’t worry much about them.  Several months later those fibroids disappeared on their own. Now fast forward to my late 30’s my doctor discovered...
The Mindful Approach for Manifestations

The Mindful Approach for Manifestations

Being mindful throughout your day can help bring your manifestation faster. When we are constantly in our heads and overthinking, we are not being present at the moment. This blocks us from seeing what is being presented in front of us. The less we are in our heads...