How to Release Control and Enjoy Your Life

Many of us have desires for life to be a certain way, the way that we want, the way that we like. Unfortunately, life is not created specifically for our desires.

We are on a planet sharing this world with billions of other people. So as nice as it may seem that things would go our way it cannot.

There are so many things that are outside of our control, so it makes sense that we release control for our mental well-being. Because the more we try to control the external the more it affects our well-being. It’s a losing battle that one single person cannot do.

The only thing we can control is ourselves and how we perceive the world. I admit that I still have control issues and it’s something I continue to work on myself. Just recently there was an issue with my phone provider, where many people lost cell phone coverage for a day.

People went crazy, everyone was so upset, that they wondered how a giant cell phone provider like AT&T was not able to provide reliable service.  Many people felt that there could have been an emergency or some other urgent situation where a cell would have been needed.

These are valid points but at the end of the day AT&T cannot promise never to have an issue, it’s impossible.  So, for so many people to people to be upset and angry just did not help anything or anyone.

Life is always changing, many circumstances are happening beyond our control and understanding. The more we can accept this part of life, the easier we can accept the situations that we are in.

We might not like it, and it might be uncomfortable but if we accept it and roll with the punches of life, the easier we can flow with life.  

We won’t be working against life and needing everything to be the way we want to have peace, but cultivating peace even when things aren’t panning out the way we would like.

In this blog, I will show you how to release control and flow with life.

How to let go of the need for Control

Discover your roots.

Needing everything outside of you to be a certain way to feel happiness is a learned behavior.

It is important for you to become aware of where this need for control stems from.

Does it come from unresolved childhood wounds?

Was there an expectation for you to be perfect, did you come from a critical and controlled environment?

Needing control can be a natural response to the stresses of life. It’s how you might have learned to cope with things that overwhelm or upset you.

Resolving and dealing with the issues from the past can help you with self-awareness and see how you can see things from a different perspective.

Cultivating a mindset of Surrender

When you surrender you accept the situation for what it is. Not trying to change anything or fixate on how things should be.

Understanding that everything happens for a reason, and you can feel less stressed about it.

For example, if you are late for work and all of a sudden you become upset with the traffic and anxious because of not being at work on time. This might make you reactive and cause you to become enraged, which might cause road rage.

But if you can see it from a different perspective, where you just accept the situation for what it is, this is not your road you have to share it with everyone.

Even though you might make it to work late you will be ok, you have to distract your mind and not let it take control.

Trying to control something out of your control causes stress and anxiety and accepting the situation for what it is cause peace

Remember whenever you are feeling anxious repeat these words “I accept this situation for what it is and I surrender to the unknown”.

Strategies for Releasing Control and Letting Go

Releasing control can take time, like I mentioned I am still working on releasing control, and I have been working on it for years.

Practicing journaling your thoughts and cultivating mindfulness meditation can help strengthen your sense of inner peace, by not looking for control externally but finding peace internally.

By creating a consistent practice of inner self-awareness you create healthy coping mechanisms to deal with high moments of stress and create adaptability.

You want to be able to flow with life and not against it.


We often find ourselves clinging tightly to the illusion of control, fearing the unknown and resisting change. However, as we’ve explored throughout this blog, true freedom and inner peace lie in the courageous act of letting go.

By releasing our grip on control and loosening our attachments, we open ourselves to a world of infinite possibilities. We invite new experiences, relationships, and opportunities that align with our highest good.

We learn to flow with life, trusting in the process and surrendering.

Letting go of control doesn’t mean giving up or resigning ourselves to fate. Rather, it’s an empowering choice to step into our authenticity, embrace vulnerability, and live with an open heart.

It’s a journey of self-discovery and self-mastery, where we reclaim our power and rediscover the joy of simply being.

So, as you navigate your path of letting go, remember to be gentle with yourself.

Change takes time, and growth is often accompanied by discomfort. But with each small step you take towards releasing control, you’re paving the way for greater peace, fulfillment, and abundance in your life.

Written By:Vanessa Guevara

I am a transformational coach, astrologer, and hypnotherapist. I enjoy nature, health & wellness and practicing spirituality. I help women find meaning and purpose in their lives through intentional living.

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