Mindfulness For The Overthinker

I’ve always been an overthinker, overanalyzing situations to find the missing piece of a puzzle.

Overthinking isn’t always a  “bad thing”, overthinking has helped me figure out very complex things, such as building a website, or passing a very difficult test. The ability to look deeper into situations and pick them apart piece by piece has helped me along the way.

But there have been times where my overthinking has led me to make assumptions that weren’t correct, impacting poorly on my relationships.

Even in my day-to-day life, it can impact whether I make progress in my day based on what has happened, for example, if a bill is due that was unexpected, or having to repair the car wheel because it got a flat tire.  I can overthink to the point of a headache and inaction, I have done this plenty of times.

Self-awareness of my overthinking has been very important on my journey. Becoming aware of the benefits and drawbacks of overthinking has helped me manage my thoughts. I knew I had to build tools to manage this high mental energy positively.

I still overthink at times, but I am much more mindful of my thoughts if it is to my detriment.

One of my favorite tools to help with overthinking is mindfulness and this is what I will be writing about in this article.

Why do we overthink?

The tendency to overthink and over-analyze is a coping strategy that we learn early on in life. Both of my parents were anxious, and worried about everything and anything. So it is not surprising that I developed this trait.

As adults when we feel unsafe or uncertain, we try to predict and define reality by applying our analytical lens to it.

This helps us to feel more in control and less vulnerable, a way of trying to gain control of our environment and create a sense of safety and security.

Also, life circumstances can significantly contribute to overthinking. As we get older and take on the responsibility of life so many things come our way that leads to overthinking.

  • High stressful environments
  • Perfectionism
  • Information Overload
  • Health Concerns
  • Financial Concerns
  • Relationship Concerns

Mindfulness for Overthinking

Mindfulness teaches you to get into the present moment, it pushes you to get out of your head and into your body.

Mindfulness teaches you to slow down your racing thoughts and calms both your mind and body. You become the observer of your thoughts and do not let your thoughts be the controller of you.

By fully focusing on “the now” you can acknowledge and accept your thoughts, feelings, and sensations without judgment.

How to practice mindfulness meditation

First, find a quiet space where you can be alone. If you can be out in nature even better, being out in nature can be very healing.

You can put a timer for 15 to 30 minutes on your phone to know when it is time to get out of meditation. This will be helpful if your mind tries to struggle and tell you that time is up. I have had plenty of times where my mind wanted to come out of my meditation a bit earlier than the timer.

You can start with guided meditation or listening to music. Focus on your breath, your breath will be your anchor if you get lost in your thoughts.

If you have any issues staying in meditation read my article on URGE SURFING, which will help you remain focused on your practice.

You can also add in an affirmation such as “I trust myself to make the right decisions. I release the need for control over things. I am in control of my thoughts. I am free from overthinking”.

Then end your practice with a gratitude statement such as “All is well in my world, I am grateful for many things in my life that bring me joy and comfort.

Try this practice daily and incorporate it into your lifestyle, it will always be the gift that keeps on giving.


As you move forward, consider incorporating mindfulness into your daily routine. Whether it’s through meditation, deep breathing exercises, or simply being fully present in your everyday activities, the practice of mindfulness can bring greater calm and clarity to your life.

It’s a journey worth taking, and with each step, you’ll find yourself overthinking less and living more fully. Embrace the power of mindfulness, and may your life be filled with moments of presence, peace, and profound insight.✌🏿🕊️☮️

Written By:Vanessa Guevara

I am a transformational coach, astrologer, and hypnotherapist. I enjoy nature, health & wellness and practicing spirituality. I help women find meaning and purpose in their lives through intentional living.

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