Moon in the houses 7 through 12

What does the moon signify in astrology?

The moon sign speaks to our inner emotional world, as opposed to the sun which is our outer identity.

The moon sign describes your inner world, feelings, and desires, and all the stuff going on below the surface.

The moon represents your subconscious self.

The natural ruler of the moon is Cancer, and it relates to the mother, the nurturer.

What do the houses in the birth chart mean?

The houses in the chart represent different areas of our life. They can be seen as the cycles of life’s process as we evolve and grow through our lives.

All areas of life fall into a house.

When a planet lands in a house, it amplifies the house with the planet’s characteristics.

An easier way to think about the house, planet, and the signs is to think of a house in a birth chart as a stage in a play, and the planet as the actors in a play, and then you can think of the sign as the characters of the play.

The moon in houses 7 through 12

First, wherever the moon is placed in your chart, it represents the area where you express strong feelings and emotions.

It’s also important to understand not only the house where the moon is located but also the sign, which can give an added flair.  Please find my blog with the moon in the earth sign, air sign, fire sign, and water sign to get a better picture of how the moon’s place in a certain house and sign play out in your life.

Example. The moon in the 5th house in Aries, with Aries moon placed in the house of creativity, will give you a strong desire to express yourself creatively and passionately.

When the moon is placed in the 7 through 12 houses they are known as “interpersonal houses” and primarily deal with relationships, partnerships, and interaction with others.

Let’s delve into how the moon plays out in the houses 7 through 12:

Moon in the Seventh House

When the moon is placed in the house of relationships you receive emotional fulfillment through 1 on 1 relationships.

You can be very sensitive and responsive to the needs of others, there is a need for emotional bonding.

Since the moon is always changing and moving fast, there can be changes in feelings for partners, there can also be an overdependency on being with a partner, so there is a tendency to jump from one relationship to another.

Moon in the Eighth House

When the moon is placed in the house of transformation there is a deep need to transform yourself emotionally. This is not the easiest placement, it takes a lot of strength to be able to confront fears and emotional baggage, but this leads to emotional healing, regeneration, and transformation.

Sex and intimacy can be very important for you but it’s also important not to become obsessive about it.

You can be highly psychic, and intuitive and there is a deep need to uncover the mysteries of the world. You don’t mind having conversations about taboo topics like sex and death.

Moon in the Ninth House

When the moon is placed in the house of expansiveness and higher learning you seek emotional fulfillment through travel, higher education, and/or spiritual pursuits.

You have a deep emotional connection to your beliefs and may explore different cultures to broaden your emotional horizons.

Your mentors and teachers are very important to you, you can be emotionally attached to them.

Moon in this placement you might hate the feeling of being locked down, freedom is a must both literally and in your relationships. There is a tendency to seek happiness in the external world, however, true happiness comes from within.

Moon in the Tenth House

When the moon is placed in the house of career, public image, and reputation, you may seek emotional fulfillment through your professional success and recognition.

What others think (reputation) is very important, your feelings are often dominated by the desire for achievement.

Since the moon is always changing there might be many changes in your career, but in whichever career you choose there is a need to serve others.

Moon in the Eleventh House

When the moon is placed in the house of friendship, your emotional fulfillment is connected to your friendships, social causes, and group networking.

You can easily make friends with others and have a talent for networking and bringing people together for a cause.

You need to connect emotionally with others, you can easily become depressed if you feel lonely.

The eleventh house also speaks about financial gain, with the moon here there is a need for financial security.

Moon in the Twelfth House

When the moon is placed in the house of the hidden and subconscious mind, your emotional needs might be lost here, because whichever planet lands on the 12th house gets lost.

You might struggle with unresolved emotions and fears that lurk beneath the surface. It’s important to not escape your problems through drugs or your imagination.

But the moon in the 12th house can make you very intuitive, psychic, and compassionate. You need to take care of those who are suffering, you tend to fight for the underdog because you intuitively can feel what others are feeling and their pain.


As we’ve explored the moon’s journey through houses 7 to 12, we’ve witnessed the ebb and flow of emotions in our interactions with others. From the initial sparks of connection in the 7th house to the profound intimacy of the 8th, the moon has painted a nuanced picture of how our internal world shapes our relationships.

Remember, our moon placement doesn’t dictate our relationships, but it offers a lens through which we can understand our emotional needs and vulnerabilities. By acknowledging these inner landscapes, we can cultivate healthier, more authentic connections.

Ultimately, the moon’s journey through these houses reminds us that relationships are a dance of emotional exchange. By understanding our own moon and respecting the moons of others, we can navigate these interactions with greater empathy, authenticity, and grace.Top of Form

Written By:Vanessa Guevara

I am a transformational coach, astrologer, and hypnotherapist. I enjoy nature, health & wellness and practicing spirituality. I help women find meaning and purpose in their lives through intentional living.

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