Riding the Wave: Urge Surfing

One day while getting off work in NYC I decided to head into a supermarket to purchase water. Once I stepped in right in front of my face there was a display case of different flavor slices cakes and cheesecakes

They had everything you can imagine, chocolate, birthday cake, red velvet, carrot cake, you name it they had it. My plans weren’t to get cake, but I felt a rush through my body telling me that I needed that cake, everything was screaming to buy the slice of cake, it would feel good and taste good.

Even though I wanted to buy a slice of cake I was on a diet and wanted to kick sweets out of my diet.

I remember standing in front of the display case for about 6 minutes as I rode the urge of my cravings. At the end of the 5 minutes, I decided to just leave with no cake. I won!!

I was aware that my cravings were kicking in hard, I wanted those cakes so bad, but I also knew that this would not support me in my journey. I rode the waves of those urges, and once the feelings subsided, I no longer wanted the cake that bad.

Many of us want to kick habits and behaviors that no longer serve us, but it can be challenging because habits are hard to break. The urge and craving can be all-consuming and we can’t help but give in to our impulses.

But we can work through this by practicing Urge Surfing.

What is Urge Surfing

Urge surfing is a technique that helps you gain control over your impulses. It involves riding the wave of strong impulsive and craving emotions.

Acknowledging the feeling as it washes over you like a wave, allowing it to rise and fall.

It’s important to not react, no matter how intense the feeling may be. Just allow it to rise and then subside. Know that you won’t die if you don’t cave into your impulses.

This is how you will be able to gain control over your mind.

Studies show that urges rarely last longer than 30 minutes. Urges will pass on their own if we allow them.

Benefits of Urge Surfing and Cravings

Urge surfing offers several benefits for managing cravings, urges, and challenging emotions such as:

Reduced Impulsive Reactions: Reduces instant gratification, urge surfing helps delay impulsiveness and gain self-control.

Improved Self-awareness – Urge surfing encourages you to become aware of your urges and cravings. By paying close attention to these sensations without judgment, you can better understand the triggers and patterns associated with the impulses.

Improved Emotional Regulation – You learn how to manage your emotions. By learning to tolerate and sit with these feelings, you build emotional regulation skills

Empowerment and Resilience: – Knowing that you have the strength and the power to overcome your urges is a great feeling. Think of the times that you failed at sticking to a diet or changing behavior and how awful it feels, but when you ride the urge and stick to it, it empowers you to tackle challenges effectively.

How to practice Urge Surfing

Practicing mindful meditation is a great way to start practicing urge surfing.

Begin by sitting in a comfortable position then start to close your eyes and take long deep breaths, it won’t be long until your mind begins to chatter.

Phase 1 (The Build-Up): This is the beginning of the urge, your brain will start to want to get out of the practice, focus on one area of the body where you can feel the physical sensations associated with the urge, and notice what is happening.

Phase 2 (The Peak): The urge becomes more and more intense; this is the highest and hardest part of the urge. Don’t fight it, but don’t give in either, just watch the urge, don’t attach to it, and continue breathing in and out.

Phase 3 (The Run-off): This is when the urge starts to die down and your brain begins to fall in line with what you want to do, remember you are the one who is in control. Like a wave in the ocean, an urge will reach a peak and then lose its force.


So, let’s carry this newfound understanding, this surfboard of mindfulness, into our lives. With each craving that arises, let’s remember that we have the power to ride it out and navigate the tempestuous seas with grace and strength.

Keep surfing, and keep thriving! 🏄‍♂️🌊✨

Written By:Vanessa Guevara

I am a transformational coach, astrologer, and hypnotherapist. I enjoy nature, health & wellness and practicing spirituality. I help women find meaning and purpose in their lives through intentional living.

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