Rooted Wealth: Balancing Your Root Chakra for Financial Security

Growing up we didn’t have that much financially, there was some struggle, but my mom tried her best to provide for her family as a single mother. She worked one to two jobs working 12 to 24-hour shifts.

Even though we had the basics of what we needed there was always a fear that the rug would be pulled out from underneath us, and the worst could happen to our family.  

There have been times when there have been threats of eviction, phone, cable or internet turned off. Which shook up the feelings of safety & security in our lives, everything just seemed unstable.

I started working early so that I could help support my mother and also have some money for myself, as a teen, you were paid a minimum wage and I could not purchase all the things I wanted, so there was always a feeling of not having enough money.

As I became an adult, I noticed the same financial story playing out in my life, there is never enough money. I was sick of it, I started to ask myself why was it that other people were able to have stability and I couldn’t. What are they doing that I am not?

The great thing about asking yourself questions is that it pushes you to find the answer. I first researched how to become financially responsible, which led to creating budgets and tracking my finances. This touched the surface of my issues, but as I dug deeper, I discovered my financial instability was associated with my root chakra which was blocked.  

This led to a journey of healing my blocked chakras.

You see, we all have 7 chakras in our body which are our energy centers. Each Chakra is associated with different parts of our bodies. Chakras are believed to influence our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being.

When chakras are balanced and open, energy flows freely, leading to overall well-being. But blocked or imbalanced chakras can manifest as physical or emotional issues.

In this blog, we will specifically dive into the root chakra.

Understanding the Root Chakra

So, let’s dive in a bit deeper into the root chakra also known as the Muladhara in Sanskrit.

The root chakra is located at the base of the spine, this energy center acts as the foundation for the entire chakra system.  It is associated with the body part of the anus, large intestine, back, feet and legs.

The element associated with the root chakra is the earth, which is about grounding, security, survival, and stability amongst other keywords.

Our root chakra is what grounds us. It keeps us tethered to our connection with Earth.

It is tied to our sense of security; it can make us feel safe or unsafe depending on whether the root chakra is blocked or not.

Link Between Financial Security and the Root Chakra:

When our root chakra is blocked there’s a sense of fear around financial security. When there is a blockage in our root chakra it constricts the flow of energy upwards, this restricts money flowing in.

When this happens, the need for security dominates our decisions and can lead to concerns over job stability, physical safety, shelter, and health which can cause depression, anxiety, and fear of the future. There is always a sense of fear that the rug will be pulled from under you.

Remember I mentioned earlier that each chakra is aligned with our physical and emotional well-being, so when the root chakra is out of alignment based on fear of security it can cause negative manifestations in the body.

You can feel pain in the lower body, sciatica, digestive issues, and immune system problems. When you’re stressed about your finances it feels like an all-encompassing thing in your life, that is a lot of fear energy you are creating.

Practices for Balancing the Root Chakra and Enhancing Financial Stability:

There are many ways that you can balance the root chakra, first would be to get outside in nature. The root chakra is associated with the earth element. So go for a nice hike, and get your feet grounded in the earth.

Practice visualization, and envision yourself as abundant and having all the resources you need. Visualization is very powerful because you are envisioning the life that you want to create. You see most of the time we are envisioning the worst-case scenarios in our mind, and this is what we tend to get.

What we are doing is training our minds to create a reality that we want to live, so do a 15-minute visualization every morning and evening and end your visualization with the mantra LAM, repeat this mantra several times.

Journaling is a great way to unlock the subconscious mind, try below journaling prompt below.

  1. Did either of your parents ever seem fearful about; life, money, the future, what other’s think, or making mistakes? As a child what did you think of this parent’s reactions to things? Do you see yourself recreating these patterns as an adult?
  2. Where in my life do I experience abundance, even if not financially? (Skills, relationships, resources)
  3. If money were no object, what would I spend my time and resources on? What does this reveal about my values?
  4. What is one action I can take today to move closer to my financial goals?


In the quest for financial security, we often focus solely on external factors such as income, investments, and budgeting techniques. However, as we’ve explored in this blog, true stability begins from within, rooted in the energy of the root chakra.

Our sense of safety, security, and stability in life—including financial stability—is deeply interconnected with the health of this foundational energy center.

By understanding and nurturing the root chakra, we lay the groundwork for lasting financial well-being.

Grounding practices, mindfulness techniques, and conscious financial habits can help us cultivate a sense of security that extends beyond our bank accounts.

Let’s continue to nurture our roots, both energetically and financially, as we build a future of stability, security, and abundance. With each step we take toward balance and alignment, we move closer to realizing our fullest potential and experiencing true financial freedom.

Written By:Vanessa Guevara

I am a transformational coach, astrologer, and hypnotherapist. I enjoy nature, health & wellness and practicing spirituality. I help women find meaning and purpose in their lives through intentional living.

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