Top 5 Advantages and Disadvantages of being Single!

Wherever life leads you is the place you were meant to be. If you are single now, then that is the path that you are meant to be one right now and if you are in a relationship then that is also meant for you. Nothing is truly forever; our life circumstances always change from moment to moment. Just to be clear whether you are single or in a relationship your status does not determine your worthiness, one is not better than the other. There are both benefits and disadvantages of being in a relationship of being single.

There will be good times and challenging times that couples and non-couples will have to endure. In this blog I will be discussing 5 advantages and disadvantages of being single. There are plenty more advantages and disadvantages but I only will go through a few.



Being single means you have complete freedom to do what you want, when you want. You don’t have to answer to anyone or compromise on your plans.

This can be exciting or scary, it depends on your thoughts on freedom, when you are single you can book a flight today and spend the entire day in another state and return back the same day.There isn’t a sense of obligation to a partner to get their input.

It’s like your world is your oyster and you can paint it and create it to be whatever it is that you want to be, you want to learn a new language do it. You want to book a flight next week to Austria do it, attend that new class, go for it.


Being single can be a great time for self-discovery. You can focus on your own needs and wants, and learn more about who you are and what you want out of life.

People can get pretty comfortable in relationships, and it can be challenging to see the blind spots that might be holding them back. As humans it’s in our DNA to grow and evolve.

When you are single you have the opportunity to focus all your time and efforts on doing things that will help you become your best version. You can start to create habits and patterns that benefit your wellbeing in the long run ex. exercising, getting more sleep.

Financial security

When you’re single, you don’t have to share your income with anyone else. This can give you a great sense of financial security and allow you to save more money. When you are able to provide yourself with all of your needs there is a level of confidence in that.

Single people have to make all the big decisions, when it comes to finances, home repair, anything that needs a decision you are the go to person, you are the only person. You don’t need to discuss it with a partner and have their input on the decision.

You also have the capability of learning something new, if you find that you are weak in budgeting your finances, you can take classes to learn or hire someone in this area to support you. When you are self- reliant you are truly independent and aren’t dependent on others to supply your needs. This is a very powerful place to be.

Time for yourself

You have more time for yourself. You can spend time with your friends and family, pursue your hobbies, or just relax and recharge. This is also a great time to create a deeper connection with your friends, family and community.

When you want time to just recharge your battery and be alone in your own energy and your own company you can.

No Drama

This is my absolute favorite part of being single. You don’t have to deal with the ups and downs of a relationship. This can be a major advantage if you’re someone who prefers a low-key lifestyle. In relationships there can be some drama, baggages, compromises. When you are single the only drama that you have to deal with is the drama you create. 



You may miss having someone to share your life with, and you may feel like you’re missing out on the experience of being in a relationship. We are human, we crave intimacy and connection. It can get lonely not having someone to share that space with.

There can be times when you might have had a challenging day and there is no one to vent to. Or no one to get a perspective from, a person to comfort and console you.

This is why it is important to be part of a community if you aren’t in one now. You can search for like minded people that you can connect with.

Pressure to find a partner

There can be a lot of pressure to find a partner when you’re single. Friends and family may start asking you when you’re going to settle down, or worse they might try to hook you up with someone. It’s not viewed as being normal especially if you are woman over the age of 35.

Less support

When you’re in a relationship, you have your partner to lean on for support. But when you’re single, you may have to rely on your friends and family more for support. This can be a challenge if you don’t have a strong support system in place. When you’re single, you have to cover all of your own expenses. This can be a challenge, especially if you have a low income.

Managing your finances solo can get heavy really quick, you might have to be responsible to pay the rent, mortgage, light, tolls all on your own. Managing your finances is essential especially if you might not have a support system.

You have to care of yourself when sick

Getting sick can be a challenge when you aren’t able to take care of yourself. There’s been plenty of times when I have been sick as a dog, and I couldn’t even drive to the pharmacy because I was so drowsy.

Thankfully my neighbors were there for me and picked up medicine for me. I would advise you to keep a first aid kit at home, just in case.

Of course, you never know what can happen any given day, there is nothing wrong with planning and preparing of what you need to do in case you get sick and can’t leave the bed.


Lack of sexual intimacy

This is pretty self-explanatory, without a steady partner there is no consistent intimacy happening.  No kissing, cuddling and frolicking.

These are the top 5 advantages and disadvantages of being single.

Are there any others that you can think of?

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Written By:Vanessa Guevara

I am a transformational coach, astrologer, and hypnotherapist. I enjoy nature, health & wellness and practicing spirituality. I help women find meaning and purpose in their lives through intentional living.

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