Top 5 Qualities for Rock-Solid Friendships

Throughout the years I have experienced different types of friendships, some have stuck around, and others have fallen by the wayside. I have learned through all my experiences that building a friendship on a solid foundation is essential for a successful friendship.

A great friendship can enrich your life and improve your health. A bad friendship can do the total opposite and leave you feeling depleted.

A friendship is different than your family, you can’t choose your family, but you can choose your friends.

I currently have great supportive friends in my life, because I am intentional with the types of friends, I decide to put my energy into.

After assessing and reassessing my long-lasting friendships, and the ones that ended abruptly, I have realized 5 important qualities that are needed to sustain a long-term successful relationship.

Here are the top 5 qualities to look for in a top-notch friendship.

Supportive & Encouraging

Having a friend who actively cheers you on in any of your pursuits, listens to your challenges, and gives supportive constructive feedback can elevate your friendship.

Everyone wants to feel heard and listened to without judgment or criticizing opinions. Your friends should be there for moral support and want to see you elevate in your life.

A close friend can listen to and empathize with your concerns, lift you up, and motivate you to keep pushing.

Open Minded & Positive Mindset

Having an open-minded and positive friend is beneficial to your mental health.

An open-minded friend is more willing to accept others as they are and work with them on that basis.

True friendship thrives on mutual learning and growth. Look for someone willing to explore your unique interests, even if they’re not their own, and to open their minds to new perspectives.

Open and Honest Communication

A great friendship is having the ability to have open and vulnerable conversations with others.

There might be sensitive topics that might have to be discussed. If both parties can have transparent, empathetic conversations it won’t lead to fighting and bickering.

Many times, friendship ends because of misunderstanding, defensiveness, and sensitivity.

The friendship would be based on love and respect, any opinions are based on your best interest and not of spite or malintent.

Reliability & Dependability

Having a reliable and dependable friend can feel very reassuring. A friend who can keep their promise is someone you feel you can trust.

You can’t count on someone who always goes missing or a friend who always needs your help but when you need support they are gone with the wind.

Knowing you have someone you can rely on in times of need can significantly reduce stress and anxiety. Knowing they’re there, even if they can’t be physically present, can offer immense comfort and peace of mind.

Trustworthy & Genuine

When it comes to friendships sharing deep parts of us is what deepens the bond in the friendship, so trust is very important.

A friend who genuinely cares about your well-being and respects your boundaries can create a safe space for you to be your true self and share private parts of your life.

Trust is an important and tender aspect of a friendship because it requires us to choose to be vulnerable and to be vulnerable, you have to feel safe with the person.


Just as a reminder you must also cultivate these top 5 qualities within yourself.

You can’t look for these qualities in someone else if you are not embodying these yourself.

People come into our lives for a reason and the people who are the closest to us are our mirror.

Your entire life is a reflection of how you think.

So become the friend that you are looking for in others.


In conclusion, cultivating strong and meaningful friendships is a vital aspect of a fulfilling life. By fostering these qualities in our friendships, we not only create a supportive network but also contribute to our own personal growth and well-being.

Ultimately, the strength of our friendships lies in our commitment to nurturing these qualities, creating bonds that withstand the test of time and enhance the quality of our lives.

So, let’s cherish and invest in these qualities, as they are the building blocks of genuine and enduring friendships that bring joy, understanding, and fulfillment into our lives.

Written By:Vanessa Guevara

I am a transformational coach, astrologer, and hypnotherapist. I enjoy nature, health & wellness and practicing spirituality. I help women find meaning and purpose in their lives through intentional living.

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