Unlock Your Inner Wisdom: Strengthen Your Intuition

Everyone has an intuition, an inner knowing, kind of like a sixth sense. Some people’s intuition is much stronger than others, but everyone has access to this awareness.

Animals naturally have strong intuition for survival purposes, and even domesticated animals as well. Dogs tend to have amazing intuition they are very in tune with their environment.

They can understand your feelings and the dynamics of people around them. Animals respond first to their intuition and then to their cognitive abilities.

Intuition does not come from the analytical, logical, and rational side of the brain, it comes from the creative, visual, and intuitive side.

Since society is much more logical and analytical we tend to push reasoning rather than listening to our intuition of what feels right. So, we tend to ignore those gut feelings we sense.

We must listen to our intuition because it helps us make positive and intelligent decisions, it can help us make choices that prioritize ourselves, our safety, and our happiness.

We must balance both the logical and the intuitive parts of ourselves.

In this blog, we will discuss strengthening and trusting your intuition and creating a closer relationship with your inner guidance.

Recognizing your intuitive skills

As humans, we all possess the gift of intuition—a sixth sense that guides us in making decisions and navigating life’s complexities, it is our human intuition.

Yet, societal conditioning often leads us to ignore or doubt our intuitive nudges. It’s crucial to recognize that intuition manifests differently for everyone, whether as a gut feeling, subtle body sensations, or inner knowing.

When I was in my 20s I was invited to a party and had a bad feeling about it, but ignoring my intuition and wanting to have a good time I ended up going anyway.

What ended up happening was that the people I decided to go with got into a fight with a couple at the club and someone was stabbed and there was a shootout.

Fortunately, I was able to escape that situation.

Sometimes listening to your intuition might not make sense to others, but it is here to guide you in the correct direction.

Overcome barriers to your intuition.

Many people struggle to trust their intuition due to fear of being wrong or confusion with other emotions like anxiety.

Distinguishing between true intuition and fear-based thoughts is important. True intuition brings a sense of calmness and a knowing without a clear explanation, while fear-based thoughts often stem from past experiences or current anxieties.

Some people tend to not listen to their intuition because they feel that it can be wrong. But what happens is that people confuse their intuition with other thoughts or emotions.

If you are feeling anxiety or fear these are all emotions, which are often tied to a specific situation or experience.

Ex. You might get a feeling of dread in your stomach (a physical sensation associated with intuition). But on closer inspection, you realize this dread stems from fear of the unknown, leaving your friends and family behind. This is a thought (anxiety about change) dressed up as intuition.

Whereas your intuition there is a feeling of calmness, like I mentioned in the article there is a sense of knowing without a clear explanation.

Consider the source of your thoughts. Are they based on past experiences or current anxieties? Or do they feel like they’re coming from a deeper place?

These barriers can keep you from being able to listen and trust your intuition.

Developing Intuitive Skills

The way that you can develop your intuitive skills is through quieting the mind and developing your self-awareness.

Our minds are constantly busy with thoughts, worries, and plans. This mental noise can drown out the quieter signals of intuition. Meditation practices like mindfulness help quiet this chatter, creating space for those subtle intuitive nudges to be heard.

Other exercises that can help develop intuition are journaling to get clarity and guided visualizations doing body scans creating a relationship with the body.

By combining logic, reason, and intuition, you can make well-rounded decisions that consider both the analytical and the holistic picture.


  1. How can I make my intuition stronger? Strengthening intuition involves trusting your inner guidance, practicing mindfulness, and developing self-awareness through meditation and other intuitive exercises.
  2. What weakens intuition? Doubt, fear, overthinking, and societal conditioning can weaken intuition by clouding our ability to trust our inner wisdom.
  3. What causes strong intuition? Strong intuition often arises from a deep sense of self-awareness, trust in one’s instincts, and a quiet mind open to receiving intuitive insights.

How do I reset my intuition? Resetting intuition involves quieting the mind through meditation, journaling, and mindfulness practices, allowing intuitive signals to emerge with clarity


In a world dominated by logic and structure, nurturing our intuition may seem unconventional. However, for those with a more analytical mindset, embracing intuition can be a transformative journey.

By recognizing and trusting our intuitive signals, we open ourselves to a wealth of insights and possibilities. Through simple practices and an openness to the unknown, we can strengthen our intuition and enhance our decision-making skills.

So, as you navigate your path forward, remember to listen to that quiet voice within. Trust in your intuition—it’s a powerful tool waiting to be unleashed.

Embrace the wisdom of your intuition, and let it guide you on your journey through life.

Written By:Vanessa Guevara

I am a transformational coach, astrologer, and hypnotherapist. I enjoy nature, health & wellness and practicing spirituality. I help women find meaning and purpose in their lives through intentional living.

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